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New Functionality : 新功能 :

Pictures inserted as Hot Text in captions now appear by default as icons, rather than only with plaintext descriptions.图片插入字幕现在看来作为默认图标,而不是只作为热点明文说明文字。
Sample Sketches and SLL activity browsing now use an improved Remote Document Browser.样品素描和副瓣电平现在使用的浏览活动提高远程文件浏览器。
The Tab key now advances from one active parameter edit box to the next; or from one selected object to the next similar object.现在的Tab键从一个积极的进展参数到下一个编辑框,或从一个选定的对象到下一个类似的对象。
The Enter or Return key now “presses” a single selected Action Button.输入或回车键现在是“按”单一选择动作按钮。

Bug Fixes : 错误修正 :

Coinciding objects are no longer auto-dashed unless they fully coincide with and extend beyond your newly constructed object.适逢对象不再自动破灭,除非他们完全配合和超越您的新构造的对象。
Hot Text captions existence now depends not only on the existence of the Hot Text-linked objects, but also on the type of links.现在存在的热点文本标题不仅取决于对热文本链接的对象的存在,而且也对链接的类型。
Hot Text captions now restore with the same line wrapping as they were saved, where possible.现在热文本字幕恢复与同一包装,因为他们保存,行,其中可能的。
A copied Hot Text link to a function's defining expression no longer appears blank when pasted into a new caption.阿热文本链接复制到一个函数的定义表达不再出现空白时,粘贴到一个新的标题。
Single line captions are now more resistant to overflowing into two lines on minor changes.单行标题现在更耐分为两个小的改动就行满溢。
With all fonts, characters are within caption boundaries and selection always highlights the correct character.与所有的字体,字符范围内标题和选择总是强调了正确的字符。
Parameters in edit boxes can now have their value changed even when the parameter itself is marked as not Arrow Selectable in Properties.参数的编辑框现在可以改变它们的价值,即使该参数本身是没有箭头可选择显着特性。
Items listed in the Remote Document Browser window now have icons to indicate if they are folders, Sketchpad sketches or other documents.在远程文件浏览器窗口中列出的项目现在有图标来表示,如果他们是文件夹,画板素描或其他文件。
The Remote Document Browser window now allows selection and opening of multiple items.远程文件浏览器窗口现在可以选择多个项目和开放。
Pictures with partly-translucent internal areas are now easier to select with an Arrow Tool.图片与部分,半透明的内部地区现在更容易与箭头工具选择。
Copy and paste (or drag and drop) of pictures containing partial transparency now correctly preserves that transparency, rather than occasionally turning it black.复制并粘贴(或拖放)含有部分透明的图片现在正确地保存,透明度,而不是偶尔关闭它的黑色。
New Custom Transformed Pictures are never created with more samples than there are pixels in their pre-image picture.新的自定义转化图片永远不会创建更多的样本中有较前的形象图片像素。
Links in the Object Properties dialog now provide proper feedback on mouseover and mouse click.在对象属性链接对话框现在提供鼠标悬停,鼠标单击适当的反馈。
Custom transformed images are now labeled like built-in transformed images.自定义转化成为像内置的图像转换图像标记。
Polygons newly created with the Polygon Tool no longer change color unexpectedly when points or parameters are randomly animating.新创建的多边形与多边形工具不再变色点时意外或参数是随机动画。
New tickmarks made by the Marker Tool now always have a single stroke by default.新tickmarks作了标记工具现在总是有一个默认的单杆。
Command-line registration now supports optional -all_users_only or -current_user_only flags命令行注册现已支持可选- all_users_only或- current_user_only旗帜
The "Purchase Information" dialog (available in the Help menu when using an unregistered version of Sketchpad) now allows “Cancel” to continue running Sketchpad, rather than quitting. “购买信息”对话框(在帮助菜单时,使用的画板未注册版)现在允许“取消”继续运行画板,而不是退出。
The License Info dialog now displays the license name correctly.许可证信息对话框现在显示牌名称是否正确。
Sketchpad no longer occasionally crashes when creating segments beginning on certain points.画板不再偶尔出现故障时,在某些问题上制造环节开始。
The "Save As" dialog is no longer confused when saving previously unsaved documents with document names containing a space. “另存为”对话框时不再困惑与文件包含一个节省空间的名字以前未保存的文件。
(Macintosh) Sketchpad no longer crashes on repeated, fast clicking of the "All Steps" button in a Script View window. (苹果电脑)画板就不再重复撞车,快速的“所有步骤”的脚本视图窗口点击按钮。
(Macintosh) The Enter key acts to confirm dialogs just like the Return key. (Macintosh)该回车键确认行为就像回车键对话。
(Macintosh) URLs containing “%” are now handled correctly. (苹果电脑)的网址包含“%”已成为正确处理。
Browsers now successfully open JavaSketches that use animation buttons to move points along loci or function plots.现在浏览器成功地打开JavaSketches使用动画按钮沿着座位或功能情节点。
(Macintosh) New interiors are colored by properly choosing colors randomly from all available colors. (苹果)新内饰的颜色通过适当选择所有可用的颜色颜色随机。
(Macintosh) Long downloads no longer cause the clock cursor to be sticky – after the download ends the correct cursor is restored. (苹果)长期下载不再导致时钟指针被粘 - 下载结束后,恢复了正确的光标。
(Macintosh) Navigating a new Remote Document Browser will reset the selected item to the first item. (苹果电脑)浏览一个新的远程文件浏览器将重新设置所选项目的第一个项目。
(Windows) Calculator's OK button now correctly enables after tab completion. (Windows)的计算器的确定按钮后,现在可以正确地使标签完成。
(Windows) Calculator typing window no longer takes the background color of the sketch you are in – thereby making typing on black backgrounds visible. (Windows)的计算器输入窗口不再需要对素描的背景颜色是 - 黑色的背景上,从而使打字可见。
(Windows) Sketchpad will no longer crash on launch in the presence of certain buggy OpenGL device drivers. (Windows)的画板将不再崩溃推出某些马车OpenGL的设备驱动程序的存在。
(Windows) Script view for large scripts is now more responsive. (Windows)的脚本大型剧本的看法是现在更加敏感。
(Windows) There is no longer a overly-thick edit box around parameters. (Windows)的存在已不再是一个过于厚的编辑框周围参数。
(Windows) The Text Style Palette no longer gets confused between font names beginning with the same word. (Windows)的文本样式盘不再陷入混乱之间具有相同的单词的开头字体名称。
(Windows) The License Info dialog now displays license names up to 60 characters. (Windows)的许可证信息对话框现在显示牌名称最多60个字符。